Thanks to technology, working from home has never been easier. In fact, we’ve become accustomed to simply falling out of bed, hitting the espresso machine, walking to our desk across the room and clocking in. It sounds like the dream life until you feel the productivity being slowly sucked out of you from being at home, which puts you in a weird predicament. How can we work somewhere comfortable without going back to a dull and boring office?
The solution is simple, join a Co-Working Space! A Co-Working space is the best middle ground for many reasons, but mainly because it forces you to step out of the house and truly focus on work. If you’re not convinced, take a sip of that espresso as we break down a few reasons why you should consider working at a Co-Working space.

We all like the thought of being productive, especially in the comforts of our homes, but the truth is, that’s not always reality. With every doorbell distraction, dishwasher buzzer and Amazon delivery notification, we have way too much going on to even be slightly productive. It’s hard to make work the focus when your attention is everywhere. However, a Co-Working Space gives you the opportunity to step away from the many distractions at home while providing a relaxed atmosphere.
Many Co-Working spaces have private rooms and conference rooms that you can book to work in a distraction-free environment. Also, if you’re fortunate enough to be a member of a Co-Working space that’s open 24 hours, you can easily take advantage of the early mornings and late nights when it’s not as busy. This allows you a nice cram session to finalize that proposal or polish that final presentation in peace. It’s money well spent to have a Co-Work where you can not only work in peace, but feel at peace.

If you’re anything like me, you are constantly looking for a stapler, or trying to find a permanent marker or a pack of sticky notes. And whatever you can’t find, you end up buying, creating a vicious cycle that never stops!
Back when we were all working in an office, we never second guessed if there was enough ink and toner to print sales sheets. We never doubted that inside the conference room there were a few pens that we could steal for the day (we are all guilty of this). But with a Co-Working space, your Co-Work is literally your personal office with supplies and amenities at your fingertips.
Every Co-Work is unique in its offerings, but a lot of them provide the essential supplies and resources to help you stay productive. From 3-D printers on site, to private telephone booths and community pantries. The attraction of a Co-Work is that it is a one-stop shop for freelancers and business owners.

One of the most important benefits of being a member of a Co-Work is the ability to network and connect with other people who are members. You can network with people from all different industries and backgrounds that can possibly benefit your business or side-hustle. You could argue that this is all possible while working from home, and you would be half right. You can absolutely network with anyone online, but building relationships and friendships happens a lot more easily and naturally when in person.
Working from a Co-Working space, you can arrange lunch meetings or a quick coffee chat to run an idea past a member in person, without the hassle of sending a hundred emails back and forth to set up a Zoom call. You may think that you’re only paying for membership of a Co-work space, but what you’re really paying for is a community that’s unique to you!
For the last two years, many of us have been working from home, so we all know being productive at home is possible. And while some are still hesitant to go back to the traditional office, I believe working from a Co-Working space is the perfect option to get the taste of an office while working with a community of like-minded people.