We are all uniquely different. We eat differently, live differently, and to no surprise, work differently! Even though we all have our own working styles, there are many common ways for us all to improve our productivity – starting with the workspace. From the layout of office furniture to the atmosphere of our workspaces, our coworking spaces have been built to optimize productivity, however, there is still room to improve. Keep reading to learn how to boost your productivity levels and make your desk a place where you want to get work done.
1. Create Opportunities for Movement

A great way to stay focused during a long day of work is to acknowledge when you’ve hit a productivity wall and to take many short breaks. This helps to gain a new perspective on what you’re working on and keeps you productive – remember that productivity is not directly correlated to time spent on a task. Whether it be taking a short walk outside, getting a snack, or even just walking to the printer, it is important to leave your desk during a break to allow yourself to recharge.
Pro tip: an adjustable standing desk attachment is a great way to encourage changing positions and moving throughout the workday (see picture above!).
2 . Keep Your Space Clean
If you’re sitting at a messy desk thinking about how messy your desk is and how you should clean it, you’re probably not getting much work done. Get in the habit of taking a few minutes each day to tidy up your workspace. By throwing out unnecessary items and maintaining an organizational system that works for you, you can remove all the unnecessary distractions and clutter that keep you from being more productive. In addition to organizing your workspace daily, it is also beneficial to create a to-do list for the day before. Sitting down at the end of the day and writing what you need to accomplish tomorrow gets you off to a productive start the next morning.
3. Soothing Sounds
It feels good to get away; to be near the beach and hear the sounds of the ocean as you gaze at the sky. The thought of the ocean’s sounds can put you in a relaxing mood because sounds can be therapeutic. Unfortunately, depending on where you work and how you work, you may not have the luxury of playing sounds while you work in the office. If you’re currently remote, this can be the perfect time to incorporate soothing sounds into your work routine to help you focus. While a playlist of your favorite songs may serve as more of a distraction as we sometimes can get lost in a song, jazz music or instrumentals can provide the same pleasure.
4. Get A Plant

No, seriously! Putting a plant on your desk isn’t just for pretty Instagram photos. They are proven to serve a great benefit to a workspace as well. Scientific studies have proven that plants can not only reduce stress, but also increase productivity and creativity. Not only does having plants at your workspace help produce cleaner air, they also brighten up your workspace and can boost your energy. Even if you don’t have a “green thumb,” there are tons of plants that are extremely simple to maintain, like aloe and spider plants. However, if caring for plants isn’t your thing, fake decorative plants can still enhance your workspace without the responsibility of watering.
5. Personalize
Personalizing your space can increase your focus and inspiration, but it’s important to decorate in moderation. While items that you don’t use often shouldn’t take up valuable desk space, it is important to decorate and add some personal touches to your workspace. Items like a personal desktop calendar or a family photo can keep you organized and motivated as you work throughout the week. With your private office or dedicated workspace, you have complete freedom to decorate your space however you like!
So, there you have it, a foundation to start building the office of your dreams! Another quick takeaway: always make sure you have enough plug sockets near your work area; an area that has natural light is always ideal, and when possible, work close to a coffee maker to give you the morning boost you need!
About PIVOT:
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PIVOT offers flexible shared office space (co-working space) in the Ellicott City, Catonsville & Clarksville areas of Howard & Baltimore County; with all the amenities & productivity tools you need to succeed and be productive; All at one low price & with no leases or contracts. PIVOT is great for freelancers, business professionals, entrepreneurs, innovators, those who work from home and anyone else who needs modern, flexible office space without the long-term commitment or steep prices of typical office buildings or the hassle of a membership to a downtown co working space
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